How effective is hair loss treatment?
Hairloss Results As hair loss is person dependent, the results would differ from person to person. However, results are typically seen within 3-6 months from starting treatment. Treatment would vary from person to person as this would depend on the doctors recommendation for your treatment guideline and the dosage amounts required to be applied based on your hair loss symptoms.Few readersHow much does Contro’s hair loss treatment service cost?
Our service fee is R150 per month. This spreads out the cost of your doctor's consultation and prescription fees over periods of six months at a time. We also provide free delivery within that fee to anywhere in the country.Some readersCan I claim through my medical aid for my hair loss treatment?
Yes, but only for your medication costs. Medical aid customers are still required to pay our R150 service fee each month. We are working hard to get the medical aids to cover this service fee.Some readersHow do I know I’m losing my hair?
To determine whether you are losing your hair you have to pay close attention to how and where your hair is thinning. If you notice hair loss on the sides of your temples and around the crown area, you will most likely go bald to some extent. If you are experiencing hair loss in localised patches on your scalp or if you experience a sudden loss of hair, it is more likely a temporary condition caused by stress or illness. A good way to recognise balding is to take pictures of your hair periodically and use physical landmarks (such as freckles) to note how much your hair is receding.Few readersCan I get my hair back?
Prevention is key, it’s much easier to maintain what you have than get back what you have lost. 90% of individuals who use prescription hair loss treatment will retain the hair they have and stop further hair loss. Around 60% will experience some level of hair regrowth, particularly of hair that has only recently stopped growing. Best to start treatment early to give you the best chance of significant growth.Few readersHow much hair loss is normal?
Its natural to lose between 120-150 hairs a day. Hair falls out naturally once it’s reached the end of its finite lifespan of two to three years. It is then replaced with new hair. If your new hair is thinner and doesn’t grow as much, it can be an early sign of hair loss. This can often be seen at the edge of the hairline with shorter and thinner hairs.Few readersIs hair loss treatment permanent?
No, hair loss treatment is not permanent. When using oral and topical hair loss treatments such as Finasteride (Finpecia) or Minoxidil they are only effective when they are being used. Although you will have to use the treatments continuously to maintain your results, you can use these prescribed medications on a long term basis.Few readersWhy do men go bald?
Men go bald due to a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia which causes sensitivity to a male sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT can shrink your hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing hair to grow out looking thinner and more brittle, as well as fall out faster. DHT can also make it take longer for your follicles to grow new hairs once old hairs fall out.Few readersCan women use your hair loss treatment packages?
In most women, our treatment offering slows down or stops hair loss. And in up to a quarter of the women who take it, it can actually encourage new hair to grow. It works best when you use it as soon as you notice that you’re losing hair.Few readersWhat can I do if it doesn’t work for me?
You’re welcome to cancel your subscription at any time, however, it can take up to three to four months before you start to achieve noticeable results with our treatment packages.Some readersCan you treat hair loss online?
Yes, an online doctor can treat hair loss virtually. At Contro, anyone over the age of 18 can chat with one of our Partner Doctors about their symptoms and get treatment prescribed and delivered to them from just R150 p/m, if medically appropriate.Few readersHow am I charged for my hair loss subscription plan?
All customers are charged their first month’s R150 service fee at checkout. This is non-refundable. After a successful consultation, cash customers will be charged again for the price of their prescribed medication.Few readersWhen and how is my hair loss medication delivered to me?
Once your order has been despatched, delivery time is 1-3 business days.Few readers