Articles on: My Account

How do I update my account details?

To update your account details:

Go to the Login page.
Select the page you would like to update between "Personal Details", "My Address" and "Payment Methods".
Enter your updated information and click the blue icon at the bottom of the updated section labeled "Update" or "Save"

To update your card details:

You can find the instructions on how to update your card details here.

TIP: You can view your upcoming order dates as well as current order statuses on your "My Orders" page once signed in to your Contro profile.

Please Note: We will notify you 48 hours before your next order is due to be processed. Once you have received this reminder email, please ensure any details, such as your delivery address and payment methods (cash or medical aid options), are updated prior to your payment being made.

Updated on: 28/02/2024

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