What is Contro?
Contro is an online delivery and prescription subscription service for sexual health and confidence products. Contro aims to tackle the inequalities South Africans face to access sexual healthcare. Operating nationwide in partnership with South Africa's largest national courier pharmacy Medipost, Contro simplifies and streamlines an affordable route to sexual healthcare for all.PopularWhy should I use Contro?
Contro aims to streamline the process of getting your sexual health and confidence medication by offering a convenient, hassle-free and affordable online service. Join our revolution and sign up to [Contro](https://www.contro.co.za/signup).Some readersWhere is Contro located?
Contro is headquartered in Cape Town, South Africa. Contro is for anyone over the age of 18 currently living in South Africa seeking convenient, affordable and discreet healthcare related to sexual health and confidence products. Users must have a delivery address within South Africa for their order.Some readersHow does telemedicine work?
Telemedicine allows for individuals to receive treatment digitally, remotely and affordably. The launch of Contro coincides with a general global trend popularising telemedicine and online medical services. Utilising technology allows for the provision of remote services aimed at replacing or supplementing existing in-person clinical offerings.Few readersI’m a doctor, can I work for you?
We are actively recruiting more Partner Doctors to join our exciting network! If you are interested in working with us, please contact operations@contro.co.za with you CV.Few readersCan I request a new product for your service?
Yes, we would love to hear suggestions of which products to add to our service next! Please email us at support@contro.co.za and let us know your thoughts.Some readersHow can I contact Contro for Press?
Yes we would love to hear about any press opportunities! Please contact us at operations@contro.co.za.Few readers