Articles on: STIs

My partner and I both need STI treatment.

If your partner and yourself both require treatment for an STI, you are both required to sign up, submit your health assessment form individually and complete checkout.

You can choose to have a consultation together if you would both like to speak to your Partner Doctor at the same time, however you are still both required to each submit your health assessments and each complete checkout. If you would like to have your consultation together, please book just one consultation and let us know so we can ensure you are both assigned the same Partner Doctor and inform your assigned Partner Doctor that you will be consulting together.

Please note, our Partner Doctors will ONLY prescribe medication for the individual whose details are on their Contro profile and health assessment form, and who attends the virtual consultation.
Any medication prescribed through our platform is NOT to be shared between partners or with anyone else.

Updated on: 21/02/2024

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