Introduction to the Contraceptive Pill

All women should have the choice to protect their bodies and manage their lives and futures through the use of contraception.
So, you’re thinking about contraception. The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you are currently sexually active or intend to become sexually active in the near future. If the answer is ‘no’, there are other uses for the contraceptive pill such as for acne treatment and hormone control, but it is advisable that you see a GP or gynaecologist first to get as much information as possible before signing up to our platform for these uses. However if you answered ‘yes’, then the contraceptive pill could be for you.
Do your research
It is recommended that you do your own research before making a decision regarding contraception. Primary resources such as medical professionals at schools or local clinics provide personalised advice and expert medical opinions to your queries. Family and friends who have had encounters with the contraceptive pill are also great sources of personal experience. We also recommend the use of secondary resources, such educational content from reliable sources, for example via schools or reputable websites such as your provincial government’s healthcare web pages. Additionally educational blog posts like one you’re reading right now are great, and show you’re already on the right track.
Find out about your options
Thanks to medical and pharmaceutical developments over the last decade, women have a variety of options when it comes to birth control. All methods of birth control have varying effectiveness ratings and price ranges, but the most important thing is finding a solution that works for your body, your wallet and your objectives.
Find what works for you
The pill is the most common method of contraception for women aged between 16-45. This is due to its ease of use and ability to be stopped anytime. There are two types of contraceptive pills: one contains artificial versions of the hormones oestrogen and progestogen, known as the combination pill, while the other contains only progestogen, known as the progestogen-only pill, which is commonly used by women who are breastfeeding. The hormones oestrogen and progesterone are both naturally produced by women in their ovaries.
Unfortunately with all methods of contraception, including the pill, it's not a one-type-fits-all kind of solution. Contraception needs to work with and for your body, not against it. It can take several attempts before you find the right brand of pill or contraception for you.
Don't stress
At Contro we understand this frustration and have tried to make the process of finding the right birth control pill as easy as possible. Once you’ve signed up to our platform, you will complete our secure online health questionnaire and book a once-off video consultation with your assigned Partner Doctor at a time that suits you. During your consultation, your assigned Partner Doctor will independently and professionally advise you of your options, answer any questions you may have, and if you are determined to be medically suitable, they will prescribe you the appropriate medication.
No need to stress, if your prescribed pill brand isn’t working for you after three months, our Partner Doctors will happily work with you to find and issue a prescription for a brand that is better suited.
If you’ve already got a contraceptive pill that works for you, you can simply request the same brand during your online health questionnaire. You can learn more about this process on our Helpdesk How does Contro’s service work?, and find more information on the contraceptive pill. If you have any other concerns or questions, you can chat to us live on our website or email our Customer Care Team.
The real cost of birth control
There are many brands and generic versions of the contraceptive pill at varying prices.
There are also additional ancillary costs incurred when currently accessing the pill. Visiting your doctor and obtaining a three month repeat prescription costs on average around R439 in South Africa. Travel between your home, the doctor's office and the pharmacy for the first month can cost you another R100, and returning to the pharmacy over the next two months can add up to a further R200. In total, if the base price of your pill costs R200 per month, you’ll pay around R1350 every three months and around R5500 annually.
To tackle these costs, we’ve tried to make the process of obtaining birth control as cost-effective as possible. Without the need to frequently see a doctor for repeat prescriptions, and without any additional travel costs, you can save on average R1200 annually with Contro.
Additionally, when you subscribe to Contro, your medication will be delivered straight to your door or workplace in discreet packaging every month with FREE delivery!
To find out more about Contro’s service and birth control, check out our website and other articles on our Helpdesk.
The Contro Team
This article has been reviewed by our Partner Doctors.
Birth Control
Birth Control
Birth Control Online
The Pill
Sexual Health
Healthcare Blog
Updated on: 03/06/2021
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