Articles on: Genital Warts

How are genital warts treated and can this be treated online?

Yes, a doctor can treat genital warts online based on your symptoms during a virtual consultation. At Contro, men and women over the age of 18 can chat with one of our Partner Doctors about their symptoms and get treatment prescribed and delivered to them.

Genital Warts can be treated with a prescription based topical cream and antiviral medications.

Contro's Partner Doctor's are able to assist you with obtaining the correct treatment plan for genital warts. Sign up here, book a private and affordable consultation and get your medication delivered free to your door in discreet packaging.

Please note, that we are not an emergency service, and if you require urgent care please seek in-person treatment.

Our Partner Doctors reserve the right to refuse treatment based on their professional medical and ethical opinion.

Updated on: 21/02/2024

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